ergonomic table
conducive space

How to Personalize Your Creative Space

5 minutes, 35 seconds Read

Whether you’re a writer, designer, crafter, musician, or another kind of artist, you know that having a personalized creative space goes a long way toward inspiring you to create your best work. From the kitchen nook or living room to the extra room in your home, working on your craft requires a space that speaks to you.

If you’re considering a creative space makeover, or you’re only now putting your space together, it’s time to talk about personalizing your space to ensure it’s comfortable for you to work in and encourages productivity and efficiency. Even if you’re not a career artist, having a dedicated area for creative hobbies can put you in a better mood.

So what does having a creative space really mean, and how do you personalize it? Take a look at some of the ideas below to get you started on the journey to inspiration!

What Is A Creative Space?

What it means to have a creative space centers around the use of a particular area in your home or office. You want this space to be exclusively for your creative needs — no crossovers for other work or household duties! Designate an area in your home for your creativity and ensure a boundary that leaves everything else at the door.

  • Lighting

The most important thing in any creative space is lighting. Whether it’s exclusively art studio lighting or a combination of natural lights and custom fixtures, you need to be able to see what you’re working on. Assess your natural light opportunities and then supplement them with ambient, task, and accent lighting that best suits the work you’re doing. Layered lighting provides you with versatility, as well.

Studies also show that the right kind of lighting can change your mood and even make you feel more energized. You may want to avoid the electronic blue lights, like those from your laptop, and bring in a lot of amber and natural-feeling light bulbs.

You can also take your personalization here to the max when you explore unique fixture shapes, finishes, colors, and shades that speak to your aesthetic. Do you love an industrial vibe? Consider a raw metal fixture with a conical metal shade. Do you prefer more of a retro or mid-century modern look? A copper hinged wall sconce with a glass globe shade can diffuse your light and add a dose of personality to your space. What’s more, is that more and more options are available that don’t require hard-wiring or remodeling your room, with plug-in options available in just as many unique designs as traditional fixtures.

  • Furniture

music room
hobby corner

Finding the right furniture is also a key part of personalizing your space — especially since you’ll need pieces that facilitate your everyday creative tasks. Most people would assume that a desk is essential, but what if you prefer lounging or walking while working on your computer? A treadmill desk or other mobile option works better for you. Standing desks, drawing tables, and easel tables also are all surface options that allow for more flexibility. Don’t choose a small or short piece that forces you to bow over your desk and strain your neck. Measure your work area and provide a place for yourself that supports good posture.

Equally important pieces of furniture are the chairs you choose. You’ll need something ergonomic that supports you as you write, paint, or sculpt. Some chairs come with moveable parts that adjust as you do, others help you roll around from spot to spot, and some even come with a lounge capacity so you can lay back and take a break as needed.

You’ll also want to consider your aesthetic here and choose furnishings that you find beautiful and inviting.

  • Decor Accents & Details

From door knobs and curtain rods to rugs, curtains, and plants, details matter. Deciding which decor accents will complete your design will ensure your space inspires you visually and lifts your mood. Depending on your preferences, you may need expert tips in installing door locks or a list of which plants thrive best indoors or with minimal lighting, so do some research into your interests and what it will take to incorporate every accent that speaks to you.

  • Stay Organized

Organizing your materials is an essential part of personalizing your creative space. If you have a particularly small area to work in, space-saving organization could be a life-saver — and it doesn’t need to cost a lot of money. You can source a ton of containers and cubbies from materials you already use every day.

Use the glass jars that food comes in for holding brushes and pencils. Ask your local liquor store for their wine crates and use them to store larger items. Look around your home for items you normally throw away once their original use is done and repurpose them in your studio.

  • Inspire Yourself

After creating an organizational plan for your space and choosing those big pieces, like furniture and lighting, it’s time to incorporate a few additional items that will give you that motivational spark. While your chosen decor and accessories can be part of that, leaving room for your own creations can be key.

When you’re planning out your interior decor, leave space to display and record your own work. You can look at these for inspiration, explore old concepts and themes further as they relate to new work, and simply display the pieces of which you’re most proud. For some artists, displaying their work is the most important element of personalizing their creative space. If this sounds like you, it might be a good idea to prioritize this task first and build furniture, lighting, and accent decor around your favorite works.

  • Clock Out

Clocking out doesn’t mean you stop working! Here, it means removing most of the timepieces from your space. Sometimes, you don’t want a reminder of time constraints to keep your creativity from flourishing so make sure any clocks in your space are subtle. Don’t distract yourself from your work with the relentless marching of the minutes — true art takes as long as it takes!

Achieve Your Creative Flow

When you personalize your creative space, you achieve a certain flow that truly allows you to let loose and free yourself from distractions and interruptions. With the tips above, you can optimize your space — no matter how big or small — to ensure it’s designed for your creative needs and goals.

So, how are you designing your space? Share your best ideas to help others achieve their own vibe.

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